
Hurricane Electric Opens New Point-of-Presence in Toronto
Imminent shortage of Internet address space continues to drive global expansion

Toronto - December 14, 2010 - Hurricane Electric, the world’s largest IPv6-native Internet backbone and leading colocation provider, today announced that it has established a point-of-presence (PoP) with Standard Connections, located at 151 Front Street West, Toronto, Ontario.

The expansion allows Hurricane to offer Standard Connections’ clients greater bandwidth, reduced latency and improved quality of service while broadening Hurricane’s network reach through the opportunity for additional peering relationships.

“Hurricane Electric is delighted to be able to connect at Standard Connections,” said Martin Levy, Hurricane Electric’s Director of IPv6 Strategy. “Hurricane Electric’s new point-of-presence will give users of Standard Connections’ facility the ability to access Hurricane Electric’s unsurpassed connectivity and allows Hurricane Electric to continue our strategic global expansion.”

Hurricane Electric’s global Internet backbone is one of the few that is IPv6-native and does not rely on internal tunnels for its IPv6 connectivity. First deployed on Hurricane’s Internet backbone in 2001, IPv6 is offered as a core service and every customer is provided IPv6 connectivity - as well as classic IPv4 connectivity. Hurricane Electric connects to more than 1,000 associated IPv6 backbones.

In addition to operating the world’s largest IPv6 network, Hurricane Electric has been at the forefront of educating network operators, CIOs and C-level executives about the benefits of IPv6 and how to implement the next-generation Internet protocol. Most recently, Hurricane Electric launched an IPv6 YouTube channel that provides weekly updates on the state of IPv6 and tools that network administrators can use for a smooth transition.

In addition to the IPv6 YouTube Channel, Hurricane Electric offers popular IPv6 certification, Tunnel Broker and Free DNS Service offerings at no charge.

Hurricane Electric offers IPv4 and IPv6 transit solutions over the same connection at speeds of up to 10 Gbps. Within its global network, Hurricane has 45 major exchange points with connectivity to more than 1,500 different networks. Employing a resilient fiber topology, Hurricane Electric has no less than four redundant paths crossing North America, two separate paths between the U.S. and Europe, and rings in Europe and Asia.

About Hurricane Electric
Hurricane Electric is a leading Internet backbone and colocation provider. Hurricane Electric operates its own global IPv4 and IPv6 network and owns several data centers in Fremont, California, running multiple N-by-10 Gbps links throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Founded by Mike Leber in his garage in 1994, Hurricane Electric now operates the largest IPv6 Internet Backbone in the world as measured by the number of networks connected.

For additional information on Hurricane Electric, please visit http://m.qianniuzhushou.com.
