Fremont, California - July 21, 2009 - Hurricane Electric, the world's leading
IPv6-native Internet backbone and colocation provider, today announced the availability of
its free IPv4 countdown App for the iPhone and iPod Touch. The majority of Internet traffic today is composed of IPv4 transmissions, but the IPv4 protocol's 32-bit address will soon be overwhelmed by the rapidly growing number of Internet-connected devices. In order to avoid projected address-space depletion by 2011, IPv4 systems must be transitioned to the newer IPv6 protocol, which has a vastly larger address space. In addition to providing distinct, globally-routable addresses for all devices connected to the Internet, the IPv6 protocol also mandates network-layer security and simplifies certain network configuration tasks. "CIOs and network administrators cannot continue to postpone the transition to IPv6," said Martin Levy, Hurricane Electric's Director of IPv6 Strategy. "We hope that this iPhone App and the other tools we have developed will be a fun way to bring attention to a serious issue facing the networking community." Hurricane's iPhone App is also available as a Webpage Widget, an iGoogle Gadget, a Google Desktop Gadget and a Windows Vista Gadget. The applications and other tools can be downloaded by visiting Hurricane Electric first deployed IPv6 on its global backbone in 2001, and the company now interconnects with more than 492 associated IPv6 backbones - nearly twice as many as its nearest rivals. Hurricane is one of the few global Internet backbones that is IPv6 native and does not rely on internal tunnels for its IPv6 connectivity. IPv6 at Hurricane Electric is a core service and every customer is provided IPv6 connectivity as well as classic IPv4 connectivity. In addition to its IPv6 service and advocacy, Hurricane offers free IPv6 certification for enterprises.
About Hurricane Electric Founded in 1994, Hurricane Electric was started in a garage by founder and President Mike Leber in order to offer colocation, web hosting, dedicated servers and Internet connections. Hurricane Electric now operates an international backbone network and owns several datacenters, including its new 200,000 square-foot Fremont 2 colocation facility. For additional information on Hurricane Electric, please visit