
Hurricane Electric and GCWI Care for the Elderly
Fremont, California - December 9, 2003 - Hurricane Electric, a leading Technical Service Provider, has offered its support to Golden Care Workforce Institute, a San Diego-based non-profit that provides quality home care services to San Diego's elderly, disabled and adult residents while developing much needed skilled health care workers.

Golden Care Workforce Institute (GCWI) is located in Golden Hill, a suburb of San Diego and currently operates two programs, Golden Hill Health Careers Academy and Golden Care Cooperative. The Academy was founded in 1995 as a job creation strategy recognizing the high demand for skilled workers in the health care industry together with the need to link low-income residents with jobs that can provide economic self-sufficiency. Golden Care Cooperative (GCC) was founded in 1999 with the mission to improve the quality of home care services in San Diego County and provide employment opportunities for top graduates of the Academy and area residents looking for employment in the home care field.

"Having an Internet presence is essential for our agency," said Scott Green, executive director of Golden Care Workforce Institute. "We were referred to Hurricane Electric because of its great reputation and competitive prices. The money we are saving by receiving donated web hosting can now be spent providing homecare services to San Diego's elderly and disabled community."

With web development donated by Chris Rawley at Firesign Interative and free web hosting donated by Hurricane Electric, GCWI can use their website, www.gcwi.org, to reach families in need of elder, disabled and adult care, inform students about enrollment in the academy, and facilitate fund raising efforts.

"We know how vital it is to have a website where volunteers, community members and people in need can find information," said Mike Leber, Hurricane Electric president. "We want to make sure socially beneficial organizations have a web presence regardless of budgetary restrictions."

Hurricane Electric also donates web hosting to hundreds of other nonprofits in the country. Recipients of charitable sites from Hurricane Electric have experienced increased revenue, growing volunteerism and heightened awareness in the community. "As a socially responsible business in the community, we make a difference by helping non- profits create a presence on the Internet," added Leber.

Those interested in acquiring more information or making a donation to Golden Care Workforce Institute can do so by visiting www.gcwi.org or calling 619.232.0557.

About Hurricane Electric
Hurricane Electric is a Business TSP (Technical Service Provider) specializing in Colocation, Dedicated Servers, Direct Internet Connections, and Web Hosting. Hurricane Electric operates its own global network, running multiple OC48s and Gigabit Ethernet. Check out m.qianniuzhushou.com to find out more information about Hurricane Electric.

About Golden Care Workforce Institute
Golden Care Workforce Institute (GCWI) is a unique, non-profit, public benefit corporation comprised of the Golden Hill Health Careers Academy and the Golden Care Cooperative. Our Academy provides subsidized healthcare education and training and with our assistance, individuals attain an opportunity to embark on a health career, earn a living wage, and become economically self-sufficient. Our Cooperative helps the elderly and disabled in their homes by providing quality home care assistance to increase functional independence and sustainability in their communities.

About Firesign Interactive
Firesign Interactive provides expert outsourced web development to agencies, designers and corporate creative groups. Our web and interface design reflects our commitment usability and elegant simplicity. We deliver fast, scaleable and reliable web sites and online applications with aggressive turnaround times. At Firesign Interactive, we strive to reduce the "mystery of technology" by making our process accessible to our clients. For more information, call 619.985.5663 or view our portfolio at www.fire-sign.com.

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